The past 3 weeks one of my best friends from High School has gone through something no one should have to go through. She has stood over her little boy as he battles a rare blood disease. Her little boy, Ridge, who was born in April is in children's hospital in OKC because of a rare blood disease drs discovered he has after many tests and lots of research. Only about 30-35 people in the world have this disease. It is not curable but manageable. They discovered it because Ridge had been spitting up blood and having blood in his diapers. The disease is called MLT (the true name is so long I'm not even going to begin to spell it) and the thing about the disease is that its victims have lesions in their stomach, thus causing the blood in spit up and stools. Ridge has had over 13 blood transfusions and has a rare type of blood, O-. There is talk this week about the possibility of removing some of his stomach so that the number of lesions is reduced to help stop the bleeding.
I say all this to urge everyone to pray for Ridge and his parents, Brandon and Alisha. They are an amazing family of faith and truly believe God can heal Ridge. Pray that God does a miracle as we know he is capable of.
Also, she updates her blog very regularly. Click on the link on the left that says "Alisha."
Me, Alisha, Hayley and Kari-Sr. Prom
Last week all our h.s. friends went to visit Alisha at the hospital
OMGoodness. I will be praying for the little one. Wow, that would be tough to watch your babe go thru that.